📣 faebi

Who is programming on iPadOS 17?

External monitors seem to be more or less usable now under iOS 17 on an iPad Pro. Therefore I wonder who is programming on it? Or is it still too far out of reach?

  👤 jkubicek Accepted Answer ✓
I updated and deployed the HTML for my personal website from my iPad. It was possible but extremely frustrating and inefficient, plus it depended on my having already setup Github Actions for my local repo, which I'm not sure I could have done without a proper computer.

I had fun doing it, but the fun I had was getting my entire setup to actually work. I wasn't even remotely productive on the iPad.

👤 dlachausse
I use my iPad Pro mostly as a remote terminal for coding, either through SSH or Jump Desktop.

Unfortunately on device coding is still pretty limited.