📣 t0bia_s

How filter HN about programming?

This might sound weird on HN but I would like to filter all news about coding and programming. I'm not a software engineer so those news are irrelevant for me, but on the other hand I want keep news that contains those words if not realated to "how to..." or ”tools for...”. I'm not sure if that is even possible filter news by keywords?

How do you filter news on HN?

  👤 Kaihaynes Accepted Answer ✓
Thanks for sharing. It's so helpful for me. https://www.myenvoyair.net/

👤 richardjam73
With the basic HN website you can't really do that. Someone might have written a frontend that does it for you. I prefer to just filter with my eyes.

Note that there are various lists https://news.ycombinator.com/lists but they probably don't do what you want.

👤 mcbrienollie
You can just go into their algolia website and search&filter anything you want. https://hn.algolia.com/