I work remotely for a Canadian startup, I'm joining a VC's podcast, and I've read everything from Atomic Habits to Zero to One.
I'm turning 20, and, as I leave adolescence, what I don't understand about the human system is the lack of collective action in the face of peril.
We cannot keep up with planned obsolescence, infinite demand, and our current economics/politics in the same manner for much longer.
So many are upset with the system, but so few choose to support leading leftist candidates in America (Marianne Williamson, etc.)
And forget the politics side of it, what about survival?
All of these B2B SaaS monkeys making rich folks exponentially richer and LARPing as Zuckerberg. SF feels like a mind virus.
What kind of future are we building?
Just have some fun in the interim.
But have you read much history? Sure there are problems now, but there always have been and always will be.
Honestly for engineering, AI is only good and boiler plate and reminding you of thing you already know but forgot.
Also FYI there is only one party, the rich.
And even after adjusting for cost of living, SF just has better pay and more jobs.
They murdered 100 million last century, how many billions this century?
They had similar levels of anxiety about the future. They all felt peril.
For example, some were in a world war and maybe their friends and family were being killed. Objectively a world war is worse peril than meta building AI glasses! Thinking about others can give perspective on our own feelings.
I would also say that it's a flaw of psychology that we always think right now is the most important time but looking at history and changing perspective can help your view.
Escape the bubble. Tech doomism is as much side effect as tech utopianism of the bay area.