📣 encodedrose

What's Going on with Google?

Court documents [2], Twitter posts [1], HN posts[3]...?

[1] ads team begging for worse search results so that the ads team can hit their goals this year - https://twitter.com/pdrmnvd/status/1707395736458207430/photo/1

[2] https://ia804605.us.archive.org/29/items/gov.uscourts.nysd.564903/gov.uscourts.nysd.564903.631.0.pdf

[3] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37698473

  👤 hattmall Accepted Answer ✓
I don't know, but holy shit they suck. I get like 8 results for searches most of the time with the top 4 being far off from my query but have something to do with a related word. The middle 2 might contain 1 word of my query but be from a news site. The bottom two are weird completely unrelated spam.... and that's it. No second page, no more results. And that's for thing I know I've seen online before. It's insane.

👤 brucethemoose2
[1] is just good old quarterly-targets-at-all-costs. This has been destroying productive companies for decades, though it does seem remarkable at Google's scale.

[2] and [3] seem to just be incompetence finding documents.

👤 dylan604
What's the point of the question? It's a huge company doing what huge companies with no soul do. Just like in the 80s when SMU go the death sentence. The only thing different from everyone else is they got caught.

👤 jiveturkey
Just normal stuff.

There's a term for it. It's called enshittification.