📣 mrsalt

Have you gotten a job from HN's hiring threads?

Have you gotten a job from HN's hiring threads?

  👤 sushid Accepted Answer ✓
We literally see this thread every month. The answer is yes, recruiters/founders/managers hire people from HN.

👤 giaour
Yes. I've also tried to hire through that thread and was not successful.

👤 dyeje
No, but have done a good number of interviews from the Who's Hiring threads.

👤 boltzmannbrain
I hired a remote SW engineer who reached out from one of the hiring threads.

👤 trykondev
Yes I have -- I found my favorite job of my entire career on HN!

👤 rasikjain
Yes, Got contract offers and ended up taking.

👤 bvod
Yup. But I didn't take the offer.