📣 what_to_build

What are the gaps in current infrastructure software?

There's a lot of open infrastructure software out there, but it wasn't until recently that some problems got decent solutions (like prometheus for monitoring, kubernetes for orchestration, minio for object storage). What problems could do with fresh implementations? What's some internal software you wish had an open implementation?

If you had three months to work solidly on a new piece of open source infrastructure level software, where would you place your effort?

Use this thread to generally complain about infrastructure.

  👤 benologist Accepted Answer ✓
The "boilerplate" needed to launch a web application, to make anything people need to sign in to you have to add a bunch of functionality that we see many services get wrong and do poorly, and it just gets worse as you add complex functionality like subscriptions. It's a lot of work and a lot of margin for error rewriting this stuff again and again.

I already started but I would spend 3 more months on this problem, trying to separate the boring stuff into something reusable and better than rewriting: https://userdashboard.github.io/home

👤 BjoernKW
Usability. Just recently I went down a particularly deep rabbit hole when I tried to run Angular unit tests with a headless Chromium browser on a Jenkins CI server.

Suddenly I found myself having to debug various Docker images, Jenkins files and Kubernetes pods.

Not only are these tools often used indiscriminately, regardless of whether they're actually needed for the use case at hand but there frequently also seems to be an apparent disregard for the non-functional requirements of the people using them.

Sure, I can launch "kubectl" or "docker exec -it" to see what's going on but as someone who merely wants to run unit tests I shouldn't have to.

👤 jamieweb
Proper version-controlled DNS that is usable by non-developers.

Existing solutions like DnsControl and OctoDNS are great for development/devops teams who are familiar with Git, CI/CD, editing files in-line with a specific syntax and creating a merge request.

However, these can often be foreign concepts to general sysadmins or Windows technicians.

What'd be great would be to have a nice web frontend that implements version control with Git, and uses DnsControl or OctoDNS as the DNS-editing backend, but completely abstracts this complexity away from the users.

A comparable problem would be that non-developers may find Git on the command-line challenging, but the GitHub/GitLab web GUIs make it easy. I want to be able to say: Non-developers find DnsControl and OctoDNS challenging, but [x open-source solution that doesn't exist yet] makes it easy.

👤 toomuchtodo
Datadog/New Relic competitor (app telemetry), maybe built on top of ELK/Graylog and Grafana.

Something to wrap around PostgreSQL to replicate RDS on your own infra (monitoring, provisioning, snapshots and transaction log shipping to various object stores).

👤 brodouevencode
Getting around AWS IAM, or making it into a standard all cloud providers could adopt. As posted on HN a while back: https://forrestbrazeal.com/2019/02/18/cloud-irregular-iam-is... (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19742038).

👤 kodebrew
I've found deploying to all these new infrastructure tools is a big gap. I've been open sourcing a tool https://deliverybot.dev that I built internally at my current org.

👤 ux4
Breaking down monolithic databases into microservices.

Containerism and modern devops practices become borderline impossible when you're working with a monolithic database that's encumbered in complex business processes. Ideally you're working with independent, decoupled microservices, but that's far from the reality that most admins face.

👤 fillskills
DevSecOps automation/management system - Way to instrument, monitor, manage and visualize DevSecOps

👤 didip
Real multi cloud. I want to be able to spread my app all over the 3 public cloud infrastructure.

👤 dlahoda
my yamls have hackful types system, dynamic type systems, and no OR(type x = a of string| b of int) types, lack of language definitions (BNF).