📣 5351254578

How do I submit to ask HN?

New here, just trying to learn. Is there something I'm missing. How do I submit to ask (or show).

  👤 ColinWright Accepted Answer ✓
You just did submit to "Ask HN" but putting that string at the start of the title.

However, like the front page, your submission won't show up on the "Ask HN" page[0] unless it gets enough upvotes in a short enough time. I don't know what the limits might be. I've given you an upvote in case that will be enough.

Edit: it wasn't

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/ask

👤 tlb
Show HN is explained at https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html. Ask HN is similar.

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