📣 inoda

Who should I follow on Twitter?

I've had difficulty "getting into" Twitter, but I can see other people in the industry can derive real benefits like learning, getting exposed to new ideas, keeping up to date on industry happenings, etc.

I'd like to give it another shot with a curated list of accounts to follow.

I work primarily on web apps but am open to learning about other things in the tech space.

Who would you recommend following?

  👤 ColinWright Accepted Answer ✓
Nothing comes for free, you will need to work on it ...

1. Do a search on terms that interest you;

2. Pick a few names and follow them;

3. See who they re-tweet, and follow them;

After a week ...

4. Pick a pointless tweet, and unfollow that person;

5. Do that again until you are following half as many people;

6. Lather, rinse, repeat.

After 2 months, write a blog post about who you're now following, and submit the link here.

👤 sarcasmatwork
People or topics you want to read about 280 chars at a time.

When I used twitter, I'd follow people like Joe Rogan, or political people.

👤 catacombs
A good start: Pick someone you admire and comb through his or hers follow list.