📣 lordleft

Best Books on the DotCom Bubble?

Looking like something like 'Disrupted' or 'Bad Blood' for the DotCom era; I've always been interested in the story of products/companies like Pets.com, etc.

  👤 japhyr Accepted Answer ✓
Totally Wired, by Andrew Smith, is a pretty interesting read.


👤 baud147258
Not a book, but here's an inside story from a developper in a DotCom era web company:


But he's also explaining a lot of entrepreneur/technical details, since most of his usual audience is not familiar with those, unlike HN.

👤 brylie
Not a book, but a good documentary:



👤 eb0la
Try the first $20 million is the hardest, ir the nudist un the night shift by PO Bronson.

They are both about the dotxom boom: the first one is a novel about java. The second is journalism (if I remember well).

👤 HeyLaughingBoy
I have a copy of After the Gold Rush on a bookshelf somewhere. I don't remember much about it, other than I liked it at the time :-)