I think this domain should probably sell for seven figures.
Who handles these kinds of valuations and transactions? Anyone have experience with this?
Comments welcome, and email in my profile as well.
Some brokers that would be worth reaching out to if the name really is top quality:
https://www.mediaoptions.com/ https://www.bqdn.com/ https://evergreen.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/devanson https://www.buckleymedia.com/
All of them are well respected in the industry and have experience selling names at the highest level.
Some good resources for info
domainsherpa.com domainnamewire.com namepros.com
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions
The best way to value it would be to find similar names and how much they sold for recently.
Most likely, the domain has little value to anyone except the company that wants it. So it will just be a matter of how bad they want it.
Additionally, depending on the name, it could be that the corporation can take it for nothing as they own the trademark.
Especially if the domain is not already being used legitimately for an existing business or other purpose.
Check out nissan.com to read about that long drawn out saga.