📣 theSage

Searching for Functions via Type Signatures

I just came across an old paper discussing searching for functions via type signatures. How prevalent is this kind of search perhaps in code search systems? Does anyone else know more about this kind of work?

    - https://github.com/theSage21/sigsearch
    - https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~wing/publications/ZaremskiWing93.pdf

  👤 EvilTerran Accepted Answer ✓
There's Hoogle, for Haskell: https://hoogle.haskell.org/

I don't know if it implements any techniques from that paper, but it does let you search for definitions by type signature. Of note, it also does a pretty good job of finding results with different-but-compatible types, which is very valuable in a Haskell context given all the polymorphism.