I work at an organization following a microservice architecture via Azure - we create API services and have all of the Azure tools to handle things such as load-balancing. We have four environments, Development, Testing, Staging and Production. I've found that if we're working on a feature, we run 1 service and point it to Development environment, which in the Development configuration is pointing to the other required Development services, so we have no need to run multiple different services simulataneously unless we need to work on those specific services. Additionally, we build web apps, so there's no need to build for different PC architectures. Ultimately, there is no need for us to use Docker, but as I suspect many web app developers are using Docker for...something.
So, what is Docker doing for you that isn't solved by a non-Docker solution?
Do you ever find that a bug presents itself in production that doesn't locally, then when you debug do you find that your local system was setup differently?