How do you define a toxic workplace?

I've seen a lot of people talking about how non-toxic/worker friendly workplaces can be a strategic advantage, and I tend to believe it - but I'd be curious as to what you folks define as 'toxic'.

Is it diverse demographic representation? If so, what's the right mix?

Is it just high retention?

Is it a good Glassdoor rating?

  👤 tlb Accepted Answer ✓
"A toxic workplace is a workplace that is marked by significant drama and infighting, where personal battles often harm productivity". More at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_workplace

👤 Blakestr
When you are in love with the work but don't want to go into the workplace because of the people who are there.

👤 943_924
Glassdoor has made themselves next to meaningless since they'll take money from anyone who wants their bad reviews taken down and honestly we need a new player in the area who actually cares about transparency over taking bribes.

👤 twoquestions
In addition to what others have said, it could also be where your're evaluated on non-work factors. Nepotism is the classic case, but it's still very frustrating when your status at work is decided on factors that aren't disclosed to you.

Or worse, when working to create value reduces your status, because you "should" be able to keep employed on your social status alone. Having to create value to keep that paycheck coming signals social weakness.

👤 bwb
When you realize there are cameras watching every desk at the office.

👤 gshdg
A workplace that’s dehumanizing or that forces you to be your worst instead of your best self in order to survive or succeed.