📣 oldmanthrowit

How much would it cost to sell yourself out to a company like Palantir?

How much would it cost to sell yourself out to a company like Palantir?

  👤 oldmanthrowit Accepted Answer ✓
Palantir called me yesterday for a pretty senior position. I politely told them that they would need to pay me $500k just to talk to them, and they said they could probably make a $750k/year package.

I responded by sending the recruiter some doctored emails of Peter Thiel having sexual relations with a pig, and a copy of our constitution. He never responded, I don't know if I'm going to get the job.

Anyways, it makes me wonder. I used to believe that the people I worked with were generally ethically good people who stayed true to their own values, whatever they are. I told a friend of mine about this story, and he asked if I could refer him in, an that $200k was his sell-out number.

Personally a long series of tragedies in my life ensured I just don't give a $@$!$@! about money, and I have zero sell-out number.

What about you. Would you work for Palantir or an equally despicable company?