📣 mondaygreens

Help me find an essay I read on HN

Apologies in advance if this kind of question is out of scope. Some time this year I followed an HN link and read an essay that I am absolutely not able to find again despite my best efforts. It was exceptionally well-written although my memory is very fuzzy on the details. To the best of my recollection:

- Female author, youngish.

- It was a personal narrative written in the first person, about the author interviewing for and getting a job at a startup - possibly in California.

- I think the job was copy/content writer of some kind. The author had a hard time of it, and captured exceedingly well both the ennui and the anguish of working a faceless 'communications' type job.

- I think it also included the author resigning or being fired, and driving to the country to meet her mother maybe.

Oh boy, sorry about the slim and possibly wrong details. I think if someone remembers a great piece of writing from the past year on the above themes it's likely to be the one I am trying to find again.

  👤 davismwfl Accepted Answer ✓
I remember the article, I am 99% sure it was posted on Medium. If you don't clear your browser history you might be able to look through that as I think it was within the last 60ish days.

Also you can search HN, even use medium as the tag for the last 60-90 days and see if it rings a bell.

Just some ideas.

👤 Rzor
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