The first 28 days of forming the habit were a bit of a struggle, but together with my wife, we supported each other and eventually went through the whole month. After that I cannot imagine my morning without at least an hour in the park.
The time of waking up varies and depends on the morning temperature and amount of light. In summer we woke at 5-6am (it was warm and light), now it's ~7am (it's getting colder and darker outside).
The book The Willpower instinct [2] influenced me a lot regarding willpower in the morning.
I might read a bit while my other half gets ready to walk to get coffee, currently reading "The Worldy Philosophers" on a first generation surface pro.
This whole time my phone is muted, laptop closed.
Now it's hopefully between 7:30 and 8:30 and I have coffee, also I've been experimenting with nicotine gum as a mental stimulant, but I'm not insane - I don't chew the gum and drink my coffee at the same time, it would ruin the coffee.
Depending on what sort of day it is I will either not work and do whatever I want, currently learning about economics, or I will work - most days I work.
If I am working I work a minimum of 5 hours and try to be done by 3PM, but as of this week I'm going to try to keep my hours around 8 on the days I'm working for at least a couple of months.
Usually I try to begin my work day with Slack notifications snoozed for the first two hours, because 90% of my responsibility is communication at the moment, so distractions are the norm for me if I don't keep them in check.
Someone else mentioned LISP, when I am writing code it's Clojure :)
7:02, feed the cats.
7:15, make a cup of coffee at home and have a light breakfast of yogurt, fruit and granola.
7:15-8: is breakfast, coffee and listening to The Daily and UpFirst podcasts
8-10: writing. I need to get writing done in the AM while I'm fresh and other distractions don't leak in.
10-11: shower and work email check-in, get rolling on projects and client check-ins.
11-3: deep client work and/or business development, depending on deadlines.
It gets me 4 hours of quiet coding in before anyone else is even online and talking, and makes the rest of the work day relaxing because I've usually already accomplished my goals for the day by 9 AM.
1. Wake up super early (5:45), get a workout in, eat some breakfast. Cuddle. Shower. Drive to work around 9:30.
2. Wake up around 7, read something positive. Eat some breakfast. Head to work around 9:30.
3. Wake up at 9, shower. Head to work at 9:30.
I stopped eating breakfast, I just drink coffee when I feel hungry until lunch around 11:30, doing this I actually feel more energetic.
2-3 times a week I head to the gym before heading to work, this actually is the best routine, you get to work all pumped up, full of energy and your brain feels like it is running on steroids!
7:45 - stop cuddling my cat and reading reddit and attempt to get up
8:15 - actually get up
8:20 - shower/brush teeth, try to decide if I messed up my beard lines
8:30 - leave for work
Now, I want to change that to something more productive and add some solo jiu-jitsu and mobility work in the morning.
05:45 AM: Wake up, get out of bed
05:48 AM: Try to find a pair of running socks without holes in them
05:50 AM: Put on running clothes
06:00 AM: Start my run
07:00 AM: Finish my run
07:10 AM: Shower, shave and all that stuff
07:30 AM: Practise piano
07:55 AM: Leave apartment to catch my train
08:00 AM: Hop on train
05:35 AM - open laptop and browse TODO list + important communication to be done
06:00 AM - finished coffee
06:05 AM - shower and change of clothes
06:30 AM - work for ~2 hours on side projects
08:30 AM - family wakes up and we start daily activities
T/Th: Wake up naturally between 4:30 and 5:30, coffee, breakfast, email, forums, run 5k or 10k at ~7:00, transition into working from home.
Practice the piano for 30 minutes.
Quick shower and a shave and then out of the house to get on with my work day.
I started skipping breakfast a while back for diet purposes but I was surprised by how much simpler it made my mornings.
watch netflix to 7am (halt and catch fire currently)
respond to email to 8am
get kids to school by 9am
do stuff to warm up brain to noon (chess or axis&allies)
idle brain, lunch, then cappuccino and tiramisu to 1pm
be very productive to 6pm
Check plans in Calendar
Take a shower
Take a breakfast
Prepare meals for office (healthy lifestyle :-) )
Pack & go to the office
Review calendar.
Check messages and emails.
Workout 5 days per week including cardio and HIIT.
Take pills.
Work day starts.