Couple of days ago, We launched network that connects Neighborhood first which would then allow further connecting with people in your Colony, Area, State, Country and Finally Globally as you scroll down in "strict reverse chronological order" based status feed.
The whole social network runs without "Add Friend" button. The time you signup, you automatically become friends with all the people in the world but your feeds are based on your Location (i.e, Landmark, Colony, Area, City, State, Suburb, Country and Global users). No interest based post as this would defy the logic of connecting neighbor first community.
We only launched MVP version of the product at and started asking for review and feedback from various people on social media without first approaching and advertising to specific location - but all of them failed to show Interest on the network.
We wanted to know, we build wrong thing or we lack in Design and Marketing? Your feedback will be helpful
Landing page -!/landing
Area is required Minium 3 character Only Alphabeta, Numbers, Dashes, Underscores and space allowed in Area
Colony is required Minium 3 character Only Alphabeta, Numbers, Dashes, Underscores and space allowed in Colony
Landmark is required Minium 3 character Only Alphabeta, Numbers, Dashes, Underscores and space allowed in Landmark
Pincode is required 2 Only Alphabeta, Numbers, Dashes, Underscores and space allowed in Pincode
1) Typos - "Already has an account?" => "Already have an account?"
2) Don't use input type=number for phone numbers, use input type=tel
3) Provide an option for e-mail & password registration, not just phone
4) SHOW me what your site is without making me watch a video
5) Other little quirks... the "Developer" link in the footer goes to some scammy-looking "Golang Developer" outsourcing thing? What?