📣 marsrover

Why don’t we form a union?

It seems like a union could help work conditions (open office, long unpaid hours) and many unions don’t have an effect on compensation (we’re already well paid).

Why do software engineers not form a union? How could we form a union?

  👤 mcv Accepted Answer ✓
We certainly could form a union, and I'm generally supportive of unions. But we've got it pretty good. We're doing interesting work and we get paid well for it. I can tell people I don't work more than 32 hours a week, and they're fine with it. The few that aren't, I can afford to ignore. I already have the negotiating power that unions should provide.

And if we don't like it, we can easily start our own business. More easily than the vast majority of other people.

👤 troydavis
"Ask HN: Why don't developers unionize?": https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13564440

"Ask HN: Is it time for software developers/engineers to unionize?": https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8384641

tl;dr: because first-world developers are paid way above the median income and have employment choices (# of employers, location flexibility/remote, startups), and thus working-condition choices, that people in any other field would kill for.