📣 ambivalents

Where do you go for career advice?

Google, friends/SOs, hired career coach? What do you do when you need help in your career?

  👤 pskiba Accepted Answer ✓
I very rarely look to friends and family for career advice. I typically seek developers who have something interesting to say about the topic and are passionate about sharing their insights.

When I was in college I read The Passionate Programmer by Chad Fowler, which was my first exposure to the concept of treating yourself as business even when working for an employer.

Later on a found Patrick Mckenzie's blog, via his blog post on salary negotiation. https://www.kalzumeus.com/2012/01/23/salary-negotiation/ Which lead me to discovering a bunch of other great posts.

I could go on, but the moral is to seek out successful people that are willing to share their story.