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Y/N? Greta Thunberg and her generation protesting they own existence?

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/sep/23/world-leaders-generation-climate-breakdown-greta-thunberg : “If world leaders choose to fail us, my generation will never forgive them“

Yes. They are protesting their own existence.

A woman pregnant with her first child is preparing to expand her carbon footprint forty times. Greta Thunberg should be taking it up with her parents for the 58.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions PER YEAR that her existence has contributed to climate change.

Having children is the one of the most destructive things you can do to the planet.* link url at the bottom

Just when I am beginning to think that I do support Greta but it’s the media that drives me crazy..she spouts one of those dumbass lines again.

Bottom line is that her generation is protesting their own existence. They are protesting their parents for begetting them. If there weren’t children, people won’t be working hard, communities long distances to be close to good schools, leave a bigger carbon footprint instead of farming or creating art or just sitting at home and existing for themselves.

It’s for them. All this giant footprints for the children to come to this world. This isn’t climate strike. This is an existential crisis.

Words are important. Because they have meaning. Whoever is feeding this child these words must learn the meaning of words. If they are hers, then she must learn it enough to understand what they mean.


  👤 JohnFen Accepted Answer ✓
I don't agree with this analysis. It sounds like misinterpreting their points.

👤 gargravarr
I think you have the wrong idea, I read nothing in the article about Greta criticising her own parents. Your quote itself even states the target - world leaders. Her argument is coherent and logical. She is not taking issues with being born, she is taking issues with world leaders making empty promises. I think she understands what she's saying.

Please read the article again.

👤 ryacko
She knows what she is doing. She took two months to sail to America, but she shall fly back, and others shall sail her boat back (the boat can't even be towed for some reason).

👤 tantalor
Sounds like you are arguing in favor of genocide of all humans?