📣 japhyr

MacBook Pro Display Adapter?

I just started working from home, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to use my macbook as a desktop with an external display. I tried asking about this on reddit, but didn't get much feedback. I know many people here use macbooks with external displays, so I thought I might be better suggestions here.

I have a 2017 13" macbook pro, so I have two usb-c ports to play with. I want to put an external monitor next to my laptop, so I have the laptop display and the monitor side by side. I also want to connect an external USB keyboard, and a USB mouse as well. I have this mokin hdmi/ usb adapter [0], and this one as well [1]. Both work great for running the display and the USB devices. The problem is, each one interferes significantly with the wifi signal reception. I have to constantly - like every two or three new tabs - toggle wifi off and on to reestablish an internet connection. I think this post describes the issue pretty well. (I'm having temporary luck covering the entire adapter with a piece of aluminum foil, but that's not a very appealing long-term solution.)

What are people using to connect to external monitors, and still have power and other usb devices? Are there better hubs that don't interfere with wifi? A couple people on reddit suggested the CalDigit TS3 Plus Dock [2]. I'll buy that if there's nothing better, but I was hoping to not have to spend quite that much just to get a display running.

[0] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074J79WWJ/

[1] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NRLNTNC/

[2] https://www.apple.com/shop/product/HMX12ZM/A/caldigit-ts3-plus-dock

  👤 bradknowles Accepted Answer ✓
If you’re connecting to a Dell monitor, my experience has been that DisplayPort is the video format that is best supported. A dock that provides native DisplayPort support may be a very good option for you.

I like the site known as thewirecutter.com. Yes, they have affiliate links, but you don’t have to buy through them to get their honest evaluations. IMO, when it comes to techie things, they’re better than Consumer Reports. When it comes to docks and hubs, I would encourage you to check out the reviews at https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-thunderbolt-dock/ and the related pages they have.

👤 webrobots
Dell 27in monitor with usb-c port. It powers laptop through the same cable.