📣 methusala8

Qualities of a Great Teacher

Hi Folks,

What, in your opinion, are the qualities of an exceptional teacher, apart from being knowledgeable in their area of expertise?

I am planning to segue into this field, hence the question. I currently work as a Data analyst. Thanks

  👤 photon_lines Accepted Answer ✓
1. Look into mastery learning if you're really interested in making progress in regards to teaching. 2. Curiosity. 3. Compassion. 4. Ability to make your students use their 'visual cortex' which has a processing capacity that extends much further than what we can process using our auditory channels. 5. Great pay (you need adequate compensation in order to attract the best).

👤 antoremin
Try some teaching yourself! There's some bootcamps and online courses that hire mentors, course authors, and code reviewers.