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How to deal with anxiety and fear of loosing your job?

How to deal with anxiety and fear of loosing your job?

  👤 nobodyandproud Accepted Answer ✓
Live beneath your means and build towards a multi-year buffer. This is definitely possible if you’re making a SWE income or better, as long your housing cost is kept in check. Your fear will reassure you that you don’t need to keep-up with the Jones’

Furthermore, take that fear and use it to your advantage: Train for your next job, make your work better, etc.

Finally, don’t compromise on your health if you choose this path: Eat healthy, do go to the gym, etc.

👤 grafelic
To alleviate the anxiety a bit, ensure that you have a 3 month with no income buffer.

👤 llampx
More context needed. Why are you in fear of losing your job?