📣 cassalian

My mom was hacked, what can I do?

Hello HN! My mom had her email hacked on Tuesday. The attack seemed odd to me - the attacker managed to enter her verizon email account and then sent an email to themselves that contained her email and password. The result of this was her facebook, amazon, netflix, and target accounts were all hacked. As such, I gave my mom a long talk about re-using passwords and setting up 2-factor auth...

The hacker did take out a credit card through Target, and we also have two email addresses this person is using. I know it's not much information, but is there anything we can do? Or is this just one of those cases where we just have to shrug off and say life sucks sometimes?

  👤 catacombs Accepted Answer ✓
> Or is this just one of those cases where we just have to shrug off and say life sucks sometimes?

Uh, no. Unless you enjoy someone snooping your mom's correspondences and social media accounts.

Otherwise, cancel the credit card and act fast to take back her accounts. Get her a password manager and help create strong and secure passwords for the accounts.