📣 jmorgan

How do you tag AWS resources?

How do you tag your resources on AWS (EC2 instances, S3 buckets, users, etc)?

Any recommended tools or techniques (e.g. IaC like terraform)?

AWS recommend a standard format shown here: https://aws.amazon.com/answers/account-management/aws-tagging-strategies/ but I was wondering if anyone has alternative standards or best practices..


  👤 moondev Accepted Answer ✓
My opinion: you shouldn't need to manually tag anything because it should be done automatically via your ci/cd.

With that said, in some cases deploying everything this way is not realistic. I have always admired Netflix's "frigga" naming conventions: https://github.com/Netflix/frigga

I was exposed to it by working with Spinnaker which uses it. Pretty clean way to organize everything.

Here is a nice quickstart: https://github.com/spinnaker/moniker

> Every resource is assigned a Moniker which exposes app, stack, detail, and cluster fields. If, for example, a Moniker is assigned using Frigga, we can say that cluster = app-stack-detail.