📣 option_greek

What do you want to see built?

By some weird circumstances, I ended up with 5 whole days to kill and nothing else to do. Instead of a netflix binge, I want to do something productive.

What itch/problem do you want to see go away or what solution do you want to see built ?

or to put it in reverse, if you had 5 days, what would you build ?

  👤 Tomte Accepted Answer ✓
A successor to par2 that works cross-platform, is maintained, works with UTF-8, works with directories, works with thousands of files, and is a single binary.

I don't care about the specific code, Reed-Solomon, LDPC, whatever, just something to easily shield my files from bit-rot (aka soft errors).

pyFileFixity, rsbep, par2, par3, QuickPar, MultiPar etc. are not the solution.

👤 gitgud
Most people here would only suggest things that they couldn't build, otherwise they'd probably build it themselves.

It might be better to look inward... Find a pain in your life and try to build something to reduce that pain

So, maybe a site to find/submit projects to build?

👤 brwr
An intuitive, intelligent performance debugging tool that works for any programming language.

A similar tool that finds common errors like race conditions, missing null checks, etc.

👤 Jack000
just saw this app on the front page https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21013117 not sure if it's been made yet, but it occurred to me that a much better version can be made now with on-device ML based OCR. Clearly there's a large user demand.

👤 AlexDragusin
A simple game where you get to kill time :)

👤 seveibar
An IDE/code editor for E-ink displays.