📣 alephnan

Would you pay for a better GCP / AWS UI?

Would you pay for a better GCP / AWS UI?

  👤 gtsteve Accepted Answer ✓
Teams with large workloads tend to automate their administration workload with tools like Terraform and CloudFormation.

That said, it'd be nice to have something that makes diagnosing common problems easier, i.e. a nicer cloudwatch logs viewer, an overview of all target groups and their load balancers, attached containers, etc.

So a largely read-only view of my resources, properly designed by good UI designers is something I'd pay for, but being a startup, I couldn't pay too much, probably no more than $50/mo.

Hope that answer helps.

👤 verdverm
No, AWS sucks, GCP is awesome as is. We only run on GCP now and would never go back.
