📣 chazwick

What's the best thing a software engineer can do for climate change?

I am alarmed about climate change. I don't come from a background of activism or science so I'm looking for guidance on the best ways to use my skillset as an engineer to help in whatever way I can.

Specifically: 1. Where are the best places to work at to help combat the crisis (either through mitigation or adaptation)?

2. Are there related open source projects to work on?

3. As the crisis appears to increasingly be a political and cultural problem, what might be effective ways to use engineering in the service of climate-related politics?

  👤 leventov Accepted Answer ✓

I'd say getting a remote job to remove commuting.

👤 parvenu74
Abandon JavaScript and only code in C: it is more power-efficient.

👤 maerF0x0
Dont have kids, encourage population decrease elsewhere